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Joe Sims

Helping with unexpected loss

Hello lovely members,

We hope you are all having a lovely Passover/Easter/Ramadan/Spring Break and maybe getting some time with your loved ones. However you may celebrate or not, this time of year brings a bit more light and the hope of warmer times ahead - for those of us in the Northern hemisphere at least.This week’s nomination is for someone who we hope we can offer a bit of warmth and love at a time when things must seem fairly dark. Fortunately they have a wonderful teacher who is one of our members who is looking out for them. Our member has asked to remain anonymous to help protect the identity of their student but we send massive thanks to them for looking out for their students in this way. And we send all our love to their student and hope that this gift helps in some way as they process, heal and move forwards.Hold your loved ones tight. Huge hugs from us too.Xx

Here is the nomination:
Dear 500 reasons,I’ve taught at drama school for many years. And obviously students have been in various financial difficulty. Although this time I’d like to reach out as this week, one of my students - lost their sister, quite tragically and as we all know the cost surrounding a death is something no one wants to or should have to consider. I would love to be able to offer a little bit of financial support to them at this incredibly difficult time. I also think that the knowledge that 500 people care enough to do this will be of comfort. I hope this is a yes. X

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