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Joe Sims

Thinking of Amy…

Morning all!

Happy Valentine’s Day (for the 14th) to all you romantics and to those of you that aren’t? Well, it’s only 13 more sleeps til pancake day! This week we celebrate our own milestone as we have given 260 donations in 5 years! £130,000 donated to those who’ve needed us. It’s amazing to see what is possible when a small digital community stands together. We love you and thank you for your support. We’d like to mention too that we can only continue to thrive with your thoughtful and caring nominations so if there’s any community group, charity, family or individual that could do with a helping hand then please drop us a line at

This week’s nomination comes from the lovely Shelley who’s friend Amy has been suffering with Breast Cancer. In spite of all of the unimaginable emotional and physical pain she has continued to put her family and community first raising lots of cash for Cancer Research and setting up a local group for people to give their unwanted items to those in need. She’s never asked for anything in return and Shelley wondered if we could do something that was just for her to take her away from the suffering and have something to look forward to. Well Absobloodylutely! We couldn’t think of anyone more deserving. All the best Amy from your 500 digital friends x Hi Joe, I nominated Amy a year or so back when she had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Amy went through Chemo, and operations to remove all the cancer and the day she was told she no longer had breast cancer she was told it had spread through the rest of her body. She is in daily pain and is just exhausted all the time. She’s recently had her quarterly check up and is ‘stable’ which in cancer terms good news. Her words were ‘now to look forward to the next 3 Months’. I would love to nominate Amy again, (it is the month of love after all) just to show her she isn’t going through this alone and to have a month of no worries, to relax and be able to treat herself which is something that doesn’t happen these days. Despite what is going on in her life she is always there to help others, she has just raised over £1500 for cancer research by cold water swimming in November 😳 Shes set up a local group so people can give their unwanted items to people who may need them. Nothing is ever too much trouble for her to help anyone, she’s always so positive, regularly promoting everyone to check themselves for any changes in your body and she’s just generally a real life super woman who just deserves a little help from us. Many thanks for considering Shelley x Hi All, Thankyou for taking the time to read this nomination Unfortunately I’m nominating a person for a 2nd time, I’m writing to ask if we could help my friend Amy again I wrote to you back last year and she was diagnosed with breast cancer, cutting a long 18 months short her treatment in lockdown hadn’t worked like she hoped and her cancer has spread, to her bones and she is now living in constant pain not knowing what future she has. Back in the summer her partner proposed and they are getting married! :) A small day with tea and cake with her nearest and dearest as obviously money is very very tight. I am asking if we could help in anyway to give them a night away or a lovely meal to celebrate their marriage to make some precious memories with the time Amy has left. Anything left over would help finish off a bathroom friends have tirelessly helped put in for them so Amy can try and take away some pain in her hips and bones. I appreciate I have nominated Amy before and I know we are in extremely hard times for lots of people so please do tell me if this isn’t possible and I will completely understand. Many thanks Shelley

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