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The Inspirational Howard Wicks

Joe Sims

Good morning group, it’s Wednesday again and we hope you are all keeping well. The autumn is truly here with all it’s glorious and inspirational colours and I’m so proud that in these rollercoaster times we are here and we are still helping people and each other. Thank you to all of you. This weeks nomination is from Sam Sly and for one of the most inspirational people out there, here it is: I’d like to nominate a pretty amazing young man. Read about him here Howard Wicks is in the midst of setting up The Locked-In Trust (it has a Facebook Page & website in the middle of being set up) and the nomination will be one of the first donations it will receive. Howard is 25 and when he was 16 despite being a healthy football playing young man he had a stroke which left him with Locked-In Syndrome. Locked-In Syndrome means that although Howard can hear and see and feel just as he has always done he cannot move any part of his body (except some facial movement he worked really hard to regain). He needs help to do everything and to communicate. Howard despite still being so young and going through such a life changing experience hasn’t given up on life but instead has decided to channel his energies into setting up the Trust to raise money for other people like himself as he’s already experienced the lack of funding & expertise there is for people with Locked-In Syndrome. He aims to raise funds for equipment like the eye gazer he has which is the only way he can communicate with people and he aims to help people get away on holiday something he got told by his local authority was not funded as a necessity in a support package! I’m fortunate enough to have known Howard since he was a young boy & been able to be part of his journey & I can say that without a shadow of a doubt he has been one of the most inspirational young men I’ve ever met and I know he is going to make a real impact with this Trust. Sam Sly 

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