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Joe Sims

Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal

Morning all! This week I’d like to introduce a group to you that are a bunch of Scotland international football fans. Every time they play a different country away they fly out a little early and bestow an act of kindness upon a group of organisation out there who could use their help. What a bloody lovely bunch and I thought they’d be right up our street! Hope you agree as this week, it’s my nomination.

Thanks to you all

Joe x Hello, I’d like to help the Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal. In an age where football fans have a growing reputation for bad behaviour I’d like to shine a light on a group of Scotland fans doing amazing work when they follow their team to a different country. They identify a children’s charity or group in each of these countries and commit their time and money to making a difference. Although Tasa's first official donation came in Lithuania in 2003, the idea to start the group stemmed from a bar chat in Sarajevo four years earlier. Some Scotland fans learnt of a young boy named Kemal Karic, who tragically lost his limbs as a baby when his mother stepped on a landmine while holding him. Sadly, Kemal's mother did not survive and there were no finances available to fit the youngster with prosthetic limbs. So Scotland fans got together to raise money for life-saving treatment - kicking off over two decades of charity work. Last month they helped build disabled access to a park for kids in the Faroe Islands and next they’re off to Moldova to help families of children with disabilities and Down’s syndrome buy a farm to look after their children and foster a sense of community in one of the poorest countries in Europe. They get a coach a few days before a game, bring a piper, get kilted up and as well as the donation pitch in with the graft as well as bringing a healthy dose of Scottish culture! What a lovely bunch of people who’s good eggery can be found here: And here:

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