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Support for Summer

Joe Sims

Hello all,

We at HQ are always in awe of this incredible group. 500 or so people all kind and compassionate and generous, looking out for those in need and making a beautiful difference in the world. We are so proud of our community and so grateful for it.

This week’s nomination comes from another community - that of UK costume designers and makers - via our very own costume designer legend Ray Holman. They are raising funds to support their colleague, Summer, who having seemingly beaten one cancer, has now received a terminal diagnosis and potentially only months to live. The hope is that funds raised can help cover costs as she looks at various treatments to hopefully extend her time and allow her to spend more time with her husband and son.

We send Summer, Robin and Emmet all our love and hope they can make some precious memories together.

And a huge thank you to this wonderful community of colleagues who are doing what they can to support them. 

Have a good week all!

Here’s Ray’s nomination…

I would like to send in a nomination for a Bristol costume maker. 

Being freelance is often unpredictable and so the costume workers in Bristol and Cardiff have WhatsApp groups to share information about work and ask advice of each other. 

The go fund me page was posted on the Bristol site as a means of fundraising for Summer who is a costume maker. Her cancer has spread and re-emerged aggressively, she will need specialist care as described in the fundraiser. 

I wonder if we can help her fund and her family? 

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