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Joe Sims

St Vincent & The Grenadines

It’s an honour to be a member of this group with you all. I’m very proud of what we do and who we can help. One of the things I love is that we can act quickly and we have a broad vision. This week, every day, Denise and I have followed our friend Clare’s updates and jointly decided to send in a nomination. People are in need of the most basic things after the volcano eruption in St Vincent & Grenadines. Please see the nomination and details below: JOINT NOMINATION 500 Reasons Hello lovely group. Please would you consider helping the people of St Vincent and Grenadines? St Vincent sits in the island chain between St Lucia and Grenada in the Caribbean. It is a place of contrasts between the wealth of Mustique and the vulnerable population of the north of St Vincent who rely on farming. We have a friend Clare who is a Vincentian citizen and taught in St Vincent but now lives in the U.K. She knows how delicate and vulnerable the economy and people are. This week the volcano erupted on St Vincent. People from the north of the 18 miles by 22 miles island have been evacuated to safety to the south. However all parts are now affected by ash from the explosions. There are both urgent and long term needs which given it’s size and wealth can’t be funded without help. Clare has been keeping us up to date through her Facebook page. Her latest post she has included a fundraiser link, here’s her post. Please give if you can. The SVG economy has taken a blow with COVID-19 and tourism income. The north of the island is our banana and agricultural region. This evac is going to take money. 🇻🇨🙏 Is this something we can consider please?
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