Morning all, this week’s nomination is as a result of one of our members’ children receiving such incredible care and attention that Fidi wanted to do anything he could to help them continue their fantastic work. Helping people including offering therapy for children, domestic abuse for pregnant women, child bereavement and much needed counselling sessions has been essential for so many people especially in lockdown. We’re grateful to Rephael House for the work they do and hope that Fidi’s son continues to prosper.
Thanks as always for your unswerving support and keep your nominations coming.
PS: could we ask you all to check your direct debits and standing orders as it appears some members may have inadvertently stopped. In order for the continued success of 500 Reasons we need to make sure everyone is up to date! Cheers x Hello Admins, Hope you are all well and good. I wanted to nominate Rephael House which is an independent charity that offers 1 to 1 professional therapy. RePHAEL stands for Respecting People's, Health and Emotional Life. This charity offers 1-1 services for young and vulnerable people which includes play therapy for children, domestic abuse for pregnant women, child bereavement and counselling sessions. As an independent organisation they rely on funding to keep going. Each session costs them approx £47.50 to run and they subsidise the cost to people so clients only pay 50%. They see over 100 people a week. Over the past year they have helped my 11 year old son with his issues and we see such a vast difference in his attitude and behaviour. Hopefully similar outcomes have happened for others. The £500 would go a long way as that will secure sessions for someone who needs their services and advice Here is their website: Regards, Fidi