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Joe Sims

Living in a car

Happy New Year you wonderful bunch!!!

As we head into 2023, I know lots of us are hoping for better times and maybe even making resolutions for ourselves. (You’re all already amazing by the way - so just carry on doing you is what we say!!!).

But this week’s nomination comes from long time member Neil who has a friend who is really trying to get back on his feet this year after the last few years have brought more than a few knocks and setbacks.

We wish Alex well and hope that our gift takes him a bit closer to his dream of moving out of his car and into a van. Neil’s nomination is below with a link to Alex’s go fund me. 

Here’s hoping 2023 is a better year for all those who need it and that kindness can shine through.

We are, as always, so grateful for all of you and the hope you inspire in us admins! 

Take care folks and big love Charlotte, Jen, Joe and Ray. Xxx

Hi, 500 reasons team,

Someone I know, Alex Chapel has been homeless and living out of his car for the last seven months. I met Alex years ago on the London events circuit. I even worked for Alex occasionally as the business he refers to is Glitterlutionary, he was shipping in and distributing bio-degradable glitter. We used to set up the stand at other events and parties, like Morning Gloryville, to spread joy and kindness. 

The last 3 years have not been kind to Alex. I think quite a few people in this group may have met Alex over the years. Anyways, he’s really down on his luck right now and he has set up a gofundme to raise money to refit his car to make it warm for winter, and/or get a van to refurb and make a better living space. It would be really great if you would consider one of the upcoming weekly nominations to help him out.

With kindness


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