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Joe Sims

From Bristol With Love

Morning all! This week we’ll once again be turning our attention to the devastation wreaked in Ukraine and are trying to help the incredible people that are helping in anyway they can. A lovely group called From Bristol With Love are doing just that. They are getting much needed supplies to those fleeing for their lives. Their mission statement is beautifully simple and one I’m sure that strikes a chord with many of us: “Is for the benefit of those in need irrespective of their spirituality, ethnicity, gender and orientations of any kind. Please join us in bringing smiles, comfort and help to our beneficiaries: children with special needs, parentless adults with severe learning difficulties and rural communities at risk of social exclusion and marginalisation.” We’re very proud and happy to join them bring smiles, comfort and help this week and thank you all for your continuous support and generosity. Here’s their website: Lots of love x
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