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Empowering community

Right! Hot on the heels of last week why not continue to empower the people that are empowering people and making the world a better place to be? Heroes in communities up and down the U.K. quietly and diligently going about their business that desperately need our support. We are consistently blown away by the altruistic selflessness we read in your nominations and it lifts us and hope it does you helping people that are going the extra mile week in week out. As always, a huge bloody thank you to every single one of you for helping such worthy and deserving causes x

Hello 500 Reasons Team! Hope you’re all having a lovely week. I have a nomination for you! I live in SE London and a local voluntary organisation in Peckham are quietly doing amazing things for the residents of the council estate they live on. They provide a ‘no questions asked’ food bank to anyone in the local community every Saturday which has proved a literal life line to many during the pandemic. They rely solely on donations from individuals and local businesses and are seeing an increasing number of people needing it each week. They are also constantly coming up with new ideas for entertaining the children and helping the elderly tenants of the estate, as well as offering help to anyone in need. They provide links to mental health support groups, free school packs to help struggling home-schooling parents, they offer emergency support to residents struggling to pay utility bills and most importantly, a place that the whole council estate can come for help and support whenever they need it in what has been a really awful year. (See Instagram for all the pictures of the wonderful things they do to help at @ryehilltra ) However the food bank has seen a sharp increase recently and the community hall (that they built with their own money!!!!) is in desperate need of repairs. It’s the hub of the community and where they would normally host activities for the young people on the estate. Southwalk council we’re supposed to fund refurbishment costs and improve disabled access over 6 years ago and nothing has happened leaving them incredibly frustrated and unable to offer the support and services they want to. £500 would really help these incredible volunteers to continue to support their local community and fund some desperately needed repairs to their community hall. So I’d like to nominate Rye Hill Tra! Below are links to their Instagram and Just Giving page Thank you so much for considering my nomination! Amy xxx
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