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Joe Sims

An Cardiff!!!

Hello you kind people, 

It’s Wednesday again, we hope you all have a great day in this our 132nd week.  We track the nominations and the people and organisations we have helped so far and it fills me with pride to see what our small group has achieved in the time we’ve been together and the huge range of help we can offer to different people, so a big thank you to each one of you. I nominated this weeks recipient and was blown away that we decided to help.  Here’s the nomination: I would like to nominate a not-for-profit charity based in Cardiff.  Several different friends have suggested them as a recipient of our £500 because of the amazing work they do in all areas.  Everyone who visits and goes to eat there are blown away by the hard work, commitment and inclusive nature of the charity and the help they extend to the local community. They are not in financial trouble, in fact they are very successful and well respected but they still need to raise funds in order to carry on and for me, the whole idea of them existing lifts my spirits and confirms that there are very good people in this world.  I hope we can help them.  Ray.  Here’s a quote from the website. “Our main aim and vision is to help Refugees and Asylum Seekers integrate within their local community. Not only do we encourage integration within our own community and culture but we are also keen to learn and be inspired by the cultures and traditions we are exposed to daily by our wonderful clients at Oasis. We have roughly 100 – 150 visitors daily, this includes people from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Mali and Congo among many other countries. Some have just arrived in Cardiff where as other have been here for a few years and visit Oasis to socialise with the many friends they have made here. During the week our centre is open to Refugees and Asylum Seekers, we run various women only sessions and groups, art classes, English language classes, sports sessions, daily advisory sessions, advocacy forums, relaxation sessions and the list goes on, oh and we provide free lunch every week day and it’s always delicious!” And here’s a link
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