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Joe Sims

A double nomination...

Morning all, there’s two nominations we’re really keen to help this week. Firstly, there’s a group of school kids in Liverpool who with their brilliant teacher have created and renovated a local area into a lovely garden with wildlife zones to be enjoyed by the community only to see their hard work destroyed by vandals. We wanted to show our support to these fabulous young people by giving them the money they needed to not be deterred and rebuild.

Secondly, I’m sure you’ll remember the young lad who needed life saving surgery that we bought a bike for? Well, it’s our unfortunate duty to report that he and his mother were recently made homeless and our lovely member Emily has been coordinating efforts to help them find a small flat and fill it with the bare essentials. Heartbreaking to see this family hit yet again with another hammer blow and so I hope you’ll agree that we should help get this young man fighting fit and as stable as possible before he undergoes surgery.

Thanks again for all you do, you’re putting smiles on faces and being the reason people believe in the goodness of people x

Here’s both nominations:

My brother is a teacher in Liverpool. His class were on the ITV programme that you may have seen with Prince William and David Attenborough. His class have been actively campaigning on green issues - they wrote to Iceland the supermarket to ask them to drop palm oil from their shelves and have recently turned their attention to insects - encouraging wildlife and pollinators. They’ve led a bug hotel campaign- to make homes for pollinating insects in gardens and public spaces. It’s been a lovely project, led by the children, many of whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds. They renovated a local area to include wildlife zones - and have sadly woken up to find it devastated by vandals. See attached pictures They are looking to raise money to repair the area. The children are heartbroken to see their good work being undone. My brother who works with the kids know how hard this has hit them and I know they’d be overwhelmed with our £500 as a significant boost to help rekindle some hope for these kids that have worked so hard!

And this is the nomination from Emily to ask if we could help

Hi 500 Reasons, I just got this message from my friend Soph who is currently working at Great Ormand Street Hospital. She is also a member of this group. We helped this boy before by buying him a bike but I really feel he needs our help again. It sounds like his life has got so much harder since then  and I thought £500 could really help this family get back on their feet and buy them some much needed essentials. (Also, if there are any London members who could help with items - that too would be amazing.) Local friends. I have a really big favour to ask. A child i work with and his mother were made homeless last week. Its a very long story and obviously I cant go against confidentiality but I can say he has a life threatening illness and is awaiting a transplant from Gosh. He is 15 and one of the most incredible humans I have ever met and hes probably going to die.  Social care have been absolutely despicable and we are putting in a complaint. He has been waiting for housing since the start of March and it wasn't until last week, when the temporary place (which was already utterly inappropriate and dangerous became impossible) they did anything. Now A WEEK Later 😡 they have somewhere but It has nothing. Not a bed, a cup  a towel. Nothing. They have made a very small list of what they think they really need which I will share in case anyone local has anything. Id really like to give them nice stuff and not end of the road stuff of possible as the place they are moving to really isn't great so I'd love it if we could put in some actual quality stuff. We are in touch with charities but a lot are coming back and cant sadly help due to covid. Which is why I coming to friends.  I could collect stuff!  I know its a lot to ask and we all are going through it but this boy has my absolute heart. Big love  Emily xxxx

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