Hello and happy Wednesday everyone,
It’s the end of January, the days are getting longer, hold on the light is coming back. Talking of light the nomination this week is from Denise and it’s a fantastic example of the light we get to see each week through our amazing group.
Here’s the nomination:
My neighbour, Sarah, volunteers for an organisation called Birth Companions.
"I had no family or friends by my side during pregnancy and birth but I wasn’t alone"
We believe every woman should have safe, compassionate care throughout her pregnancy, birth and early motherhood. Birth Companions works to improve the lives of women and babies who experience inequality and disadvantage. We provide services for women and babies, and work to create positive change in the maternity, criminal justice, social care and immigration systems. Birth Companions is here to ensure every mother can give her baby the best possible start in life, whatever her circumstances.
"Birth Companions gave me the strength not to give up.”
"Imagine facing birth alone, with no one you trust to be there with you. Navigating pregnancy in a new country, with no language support available at your hospital appointments to help you understand your choices and rights.
Caring for a new baby in temporary housing that is damp and unhygienic, while struggling to access the most basic necessities like food and nappies.
Adjusting to being a new mother, with the possibility of a prison sentence hanging over you and your baby.
The women we support at Birth Companions deal with these difficult realities during pregnancy and early motherhood every day. They have often been ignored, stigmatised, misunderstood and let down by the health and social care givers they rely on, and trusting anyone can feel impossible."
Birth Companions have been supporting women facing inequality and disadvantage during pregnancy and early motherhood for nearly 30 years.They have a unique understanding how much can be improved when the time is taken to understand what each individual woman needs. Their fantastic team of staff and volunteers are there to offer practical and emotional support when a woman has no one else to turn to; when they feel they are not being listened to, or their choices are not being respected, when they just need an extra helping hand or someone else by their side.
"It is amazing to see the huge difference that our woman centred, non-judgemental care and kindness can make to a new mother who is struggling.
It’s hard to sum up everything we do but we know it’s unique and special – women often tell us we are like family.
This year, raising funds for our work has been challenging and we are reaching out to supporters and friends to ask for your support to raise much needed funds."
Please consider supporting Birth Companions and give women and their babies the best start for their future.
Many thanks and love you all.