Every Wednesday this group sends a ray of light and hope into the world. We’ve done it 184 times. Thank you folks, we hope you are all doing well.
This weeks’ nomination was sent in by Sam and has supplied a huge beam of light into Ryan’s life.
I’ve added the lovely response to learning we were going to help.
The Nomination:
I have known Ryan & his Mum Jules for about 7 years now & my admiration for them is immense
Ryan is autistic & his Dad (Jules husband) died when he was a child. They both still miss him terribly. Jules has brought him up on her own since then. And I mean on her own because Ryan suffered terrible abuse at a place that was supposed to be caring for him & now finds it incredibly difficult to go out of his home and garden or meet people he doesn’t know. But with his Mum’s determination Ryan does get out to follow his passion of race courses.
Despite his anxieties about people Ryan has the most amazing affinity with animals. We call him Dr Dolittle as any animal seems to just adore him & he is kind, considerate & loving whether it is a horse or an ant! And animals help him get out of his house.
I am making this nomination because Ryan & Jules had a dog who was his soul mate and he recently died. Ryan was devastated and because of Covid withdrew back into his home.
Jules would like to get him a puppy that will help him regain his life again.
The Response:
Sam’s bit:
To say that Julie & her son Ryan are both an inspiration, would not do justice to the pair of them. Ryan is autistic which means doing anything is full of anxiety but he keeps trying. Ryan has had some real challenges in life losing his Dad & then being so severely physically & emotionally abused at a place that was supposed to be caring for him that he stopped going out almost completely. His Mum Julie has been the rock that has kept him going through it all despite the effects these things have had on her to.
Ryan has an amazing affinity with animals. All animals just seem to be drawn to him & he is the gentlest kindest man with them. Of all animals Ryan is most attached to dogs & they help him feel calm. His previous best dog friend died a few years ago and now is the time for a new puppy. I am sure we will get photos to share of Ryan & Wurzel once he is old enough to come home.