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Joe Sims

Nursery and Kilburn Round Table

Hello to you our amazing group. We hope you are all doing well, the days are getting lighter, it will soon be spring, hooray. Please keep the nominations coming in at, we love to help and because we are such a lovely bunch that help sometimes goes on beyond nominations. This week we are splitting the pot between Rob and Emma’s brilliant nominations and in good news Emma is matching what we give hers will get £500. Here that are;

I would like to nominate Wibli Wobli Nursery in Rogerstone, South Wales where my friend Rity’s daughter Rowan goes and absolutely loves. The nursery was devastated by an industrial estate fire on January 14th and the staff are now looking for alternative premises to start again. 

The nursery had only been running for a year and just had a glowing Child Inspection Wales report. Our donation would help the owner Natasha and her team get back on their feet and the children continue to love their nursery time. 

This received from Rity earlier 

Hi Rob,

I was so saddened to see my daughter Rowan’s beautiful nursery set ablaze last night and completely damaged by fire.  Everything has gone, toys, books, everything, even the little garden outside will be damaged.  She absolutely loved going there and I am not looking forward to telling her it’s no longer there. The owner Natasha and the manager Molly have made it such a wonderful space for the children, it’s so sad to think it has now all completely gone.  It has barely been open a year, did amazingly well in its first inspection and now this has happened.  I feel so sad for all the staff and children and would love to see them all get through this and carry on Wibli Wobli nursery in a new space, whether this be a different building or a new build.

From the nursery’s Facebook page a link to their GoFundMe page

Our beautiful nursery and what is left of it now 😢😢 Absolutely heartbroken for all our staff, children and parents. A Gofundme page has been set up please share. We are also now looking for alternative building around Rogerstone. Diolch yn fawr

Thanks for a consideration 

Rob Davis

Hi Ray


I’d like to nominate Our Kilburn Table for one of our weekly donations.  It’s a very grassroots organisation.  Tony, a Kilburn local, noticing the amount of homeless and low income people in the area, started to hand out food in Kilburn on a Friday night about 4 years ago.  Tony’s activities have gained traction since, and he now has a bunch of volunteers who support him and arrangements with local supermarkets and restaurants who donate their left over/ soon-to-expire produce.  Anything from 100-200 people now queue up each Friday night to receive basic food supplies to help them during the week plus hot soup, pizza, tea and coffee.  Often donations from the supermarkets/ restaurants are insufficient so Tony has to buy produce to supplement his stock.   The organisation doesn’t have any formal charity status, has no publicity or social media presence, and just somehow gets by week-to-week with the generosity of local businesses and passers by.  £500 would be gratefully received to help sustain this amazing initiative with every single penny going directly to buy food for those in need.





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