Morning everyone! I’m sure you all remember our incredible member Barry Hedges who’s a 747 pilot that helps out in every country he drops in on. He nominated the lovely Florence who we’ve helped support for the last 2 years in Ghana. (Special thanks to our beautiful members Denise and Dawn that look after Florence throughout the year on behalf of us all and Barry says give him so much brilliant stuff he feels like Santa when he goes out!!!!) Well, he heard about Koku who has suffered horribly at the hands of people in his village due to a rare skin condition and quite rightly felt moved to help. He’s going out to give him a big hug on behalf of all of us and has nominated him for a donation which we’re only too happy to give. Koku needs all the love and support we can give as he’s spent a lot of his life away from the milk of human kindness but it looks as though that’s very definitely changing. The video is a real tear jerker just to warn you. This big old Bristolian was in tears at the end. Lots of love to you all Barry has promised to send us photos from his trip to Ghana 🇬🇭 x
Good morning everyone, I would like to nominate a group which is called 'Kisses For Koku'. There is very little I can tell you about him that you can't find out by watching the video at the following link (it is quite difficult to watch but worth it). It left me with a massive lump in my throat. Rose Snedker works tirelessly to support disadvantaged communities in Ghana and in particular the St Nicholas School at which the our group already sponsors a child. I am due to fly to Ghana on the 10th of September and I can't tell you how excited I am that I will actually be travelling to meet Koku in his village. Please can we consider this group for one of our £500 donations. Thank you Barry Hedges