Hello lovely group.
Happy Wednesday.
We hope you are still doing well and coping with life through these strange times. If you are working then stay safe and thank You.
For those who are struggling in Lockdown we send love and best positive wishes.
This week there’s a lot of talk about children returning to school and our nomination highlights a different group of children who will be even more vulnerable at the moment and we are so happy to help.
This is Mande’s nomination in full:
Dear Ray
I have started to research missing children worldwide, over 200,000 go missing in the US alone. Also the missing children in immigration camps and the history of missing children particularly in care homes in UK.
Not only was I horrified by the numbers but was more horrified, that in the main, nobody seemed to look for them. Where do these children go?
So I would like to nominate The Children’s Society who do help the thousands of children who go missing while in care in the UK
It is heartbreaking to think that those children who have gone through such difficult circumstances are meant to find safety in our care system then just go missing.
This organisation really want and try to help find those missing children.
Thank you