Morning all! It’s no surprise to anyone that people using food banks or the very existence of such things are becoming ever more common place here in the U.K. As we’ve seen time and again in our almost three years of existing the innate goodness of people and their acts of heroism lift us, inspire us and delight us. A pub called The Crown in Keynsham near Bristol (Horace Batchelor anyone?) heard that in the summer holidays there were parents in their community that couldn’t afford to feed their kids?! So they stepped in to make sure no one went with out. They are amazing and because of the biting winter they’ve been offering homemade soup and bread to homeless people between 12-3pm every day and are helping the kids again and their families during the Christmas holiday. Including a Christmas party for those kids. Absolute heroes and they do it all out of their own pockets and any support they can get to continue this Herculean effort. So it’s my pleasure to say this week we are helping them help these poor kids and their families have a nice warm meal in their bellies and a Christmas party to remember. Your pound each week really does change lives and make such a profound difference. We’re so bloody grateful to each and every one of you!
Cheers x